Sunday School Lesson:



This is the original download I received prior to Sunday's session. The words matter less than the energy that is behind these lessons. Channeled wisdom is a full dimensional experience. I suggest reading these downloads like poetry or looking at fine art. Take it in on any level that matters.


Privilege in the framework

Next steps in integration


This day is the first day of Sunday School. We are going to start with the end in mind.  Ascension is the process we are already in. Confusion, fear, and misunderstandings are everywhere.  We are here to clear things up.  First off, their is no there. We are already here. The journey isn’t far, it’s rather short in the context of things. The universal context takes all of this into consideration.  The mystery is the mystery here and there.  Full understanding of anything isn’t necessary to follow the right steps.  There is no theory needed. It’s simple really.  WE wil show you how now. Next step is to integrate ourselves. How do we do that exactly? By showing up in the moment. Letting go of all perceptions. Riding the energy of the moment, letting it show us the way.  How do we do that you ask? Well by listening of course.  The lesson on listening in Space will help you understand this process. But for now, we can recap.  

First of settle yourself.  Feel your seat, your feet, yourself. Find your center. With breathe, with heart, with kindness. Love yourself in this way. Allow yourself to be fully open to all channels.  All senses in sync. Can you hear it? Can you touch it? Is it visual cortex? Is it audio sensing? Is it energetic? Is it challenged in some way?  As in is it being blocked? We can help here.  How to unblock yourself.  Vital. 

Create a pathway of possibility. In your minds eye. Envision yourself free and clear.  Create this pathway again in your bloodstream.  Your internal biological system. Imagine it running smoothly -all systems go. Let go of old.  Bring in new.  Refresh whenever necessary. 

Next possibility. Write it down.  Keep notes on what works for you.  IT is important study.  It’s personal and powerful and necessary.  Do this work.  It will change your life here on earth.  The changes are coming in regardless.  Finding ways to balance it within yourself is a must.  WE are here to help.  

The Power of Now.  The book by Eckart Tolle is a good read. It will help you understand how to be here now and why.  I recommend this reading first.

The ascension process is realized once we are in a vacuum. There will be a tidal wave of sorts pulling us all off the earth.  A wave we cannot deny.  Nor will we want to by that time.  Life here is going to get harder.  We are going to be challenged here -daily.  It is also going to get easier in a way.  That duplicity is important to understand.  We have to have the good with the bad so to speak. The balance of the universe requires a give and a take.  Requires us to understand it’s a fine balance and our little lives do matter - especially to the whole.  We can tip the scales in either direction.  There is good and evil.  That is real - everywhere - in every universe- in all times. 

Mine is a message of hope.  A message of love. Join me in this new understanding of joy. In this never ending universal dance.  Finding our way back home. 


SUNDAY FEB 5TH (post livestream notes)

This was a fascinating Sunday! A full moon Sunday was full of compelling insights. Because I have no script and follow what my guides tell me to do, I am generally as surprised as you are by the video. Only after watching it afterward can I see what came through. I took the time to highlight the video to show you where to jump to get to the best nuggets of info. I recommend watching the tape so that you can experience the energetic download. Video

Here are some insights I received while watching this. The theme for this channeling session was a lot about healing—the steps, awareness, and process of doing it. How aligning ourselves is the best way we can prepare ourselves for Ascension. So many cleanups are needed daily to keep up with all the changes and energetic updates. I spend a lot of time doing this every day - and I am here on a mission in many ways to help others tune into this knowledge. All of it is free and out there; it is just about tapping into it.

About 49 minutes

I start on my meditation, which directly leads to the steps of a healing experience—expansion, paying attention, following the energy, trust, going step by step, and prayer. Please, please, please listen to this section. I rarely get step-by-step guidance - and my guides spell it out here.

At 1:07-1:17 pm, STOP SIGN. 

Universal pauses are required for us to succeed here. Pain has a purpose. The value of it... There is another massive example of how pain is here to teach us how to move it successfully. I would watch this section for sure. 

1:18 Silence

Being in Silence with ourselves. Being in Nature - getting back into the alpha wave zone. Being able to let go of the healing work- and rejuvenate.

1:20- Sacrifice as Ritual

Something we forget is a powerful part of the process.

1:27 Thank you for listening

This part of the process -listening with all the senses - is incredibly genuine. Listening being a super power of mine is key to healing. Really being able to hear somebody on many levels. To hear what we need to tap into, to get to the heart of the matter, is an essential quality in healing.

1:36 Ascension is a process

It has a purpose; it has pain. It's provincial, proper, particular, par tic u lar, almost like a particle. Purposeful parts of the whole, today we are a part of the sum. A sum of the parts. This is an exciting way of showing us how to find the central part of the energy - like highlighting a novel section that stands out to you - and then dropping into it. Pain has enormous purpose. It is our guide. It helps us heal. It helps us see. It helps us unfold into what matters. Without pain, we would have no joy. We would have no gratitude.

Other Reflections...

One of the most significant changes in my life has been taking direction from my guides vs. my head. I do, for the most part -80% of the time do what my guides tell me. I still have my autopilot, but it's not my primary way of living. In one way, it's a relief because I don't have to stress about a decision - because I know I am getting the best advice. But, in another way, it's a loss of my free will. I don't get to do anything I want. So there is that sacrifice within the gift itself.

Another insight for me is that I am not reinventing the wheel here. I am merely presenting info that is bathed in love. Once again, bringing enlightenment back into the daily and reminds us of what we already know.

The mystery of life, how we can be in the past, the now, and the future, and there is that universal time. Where all that is, and all that will ever be, is here now. When we slow it down and drop into the existence of the energy particles, we expand time and consciousness, and we can see again that we are all in love.