Sunday School Lesson:



This is the original download I received prior to Sunday's session. The words matter less than the energy that is behind these lessons. Channeled wisdom is a full dimensional experience. I suggest reading these downloads like poetry or looking at fine art. Take it in on any level that matters.



It is the art that you are learning my dear. It is an art.  It is an art you will teach as well.  Write this down. Be well, see well, feel well. Art is novice form of listening.  Hearing - tuning into frequencies is art’s gift of listening. We are all here to listen to our highest and best consciousness at all times.  Creating space for it. Daily. Timeliness is important. How to listen is what you are going to teach.  

If you are an angel how to do you talk to your subjects?  What are your methods for communication?  Visual images, voice, making time stand still for a moment- making something shine that we then notice.  We create pauses in your day often to help tip the scales in our direction.  Will you listen? Will you hear us?  - is up to your skillset and understanding. We are here to help you with that skillset.  Imagine a little girl in a field playing. Close your eyes and see her now. Is she happy? Is she sad? What can you see? Now focus on the details of this picture.  What do you know is true? How do you know it? This knowing, this understanding is vital. This is us showing you what matters. 

Let’s go into details now.  Here is the scorecard. Player 1 catches the ball.  Player 2 records the data.  We want both players to watch the other.  How do we play? How do we keep score?  Why does this matter? It’s vital importance in life. Do you understand? Let us create another scenario.  We have a different scorecard.  This one is red and the other blue.  We shuffle the cards and randomly give one to each player. There are two rules.  One is to shuffle. The other is to receive well.  Don’t perceive - but receive - fully and open heartedly.  Let yourself be dealt.  

When we fully receive, we understand things on a larger level.  The heart plays a vital role here.  It is our pathway of least resistance and the opening to the divine.  To understand means to have your heart fully in there. Your strongest asset as a human.  Leave it out- leave true understanding - and therefore the message is askew. Create a new pot.  Stir it now.  Bring it up for air.  Smell the makings of your cooking - and allow the whole stew to embrace you.  Can you smell it ( i can)?  It smells amazing.  It’s the mystery pot of our existence within your culture. Within time and space as we seem to understand it today.  It’s love. At it’s fullest.  It’s brewing with possibility.  

This is art. This is life. This is the moment. This fullness, is when we hear best. When we are engaged fully in life we can hear our sixth sense whizzing - coming alive and lighting up. Whether that is mountain biking or love making or just being fully present in this moment - a clarity of thought can arise.  Take us into inspiration and raise us up to its full presence.  Powerful ways of hearing.  

It’s less about listening in the traditional sense.  More about hearing, knowing, accepting, inviting, and hearing with the whole self -alive with joy and understanding that is deeper and richer than ordinary life.  It is alive alive.

Listening is like a musical scale. It has highs and lows and language of its own.  It is up to us to interpret the musical number.  Just like in life. It is up to us to adjust the levels to our appropriate decibel. To tune the sound to our channel (they are doing it in my ear).  Buzzing until it comes into clearly.  Until we hear what we need to hear.  The hard part is not letting your head take over as king.  The queen needs to only listen to herself. She doesn’t need anyone else’s opinion here.  That is key.  To see cause and effect of listening to our own signals.  Our own magical blueprint. 


SUNDAY JAN 8TH (post livestream notes)

Well first off this session was very different than the first. I used a microphone and it made it a lot easier to hear. I also feel like my confidence is coming around these sessions. The main theme for the month seemed less to do with space and more to do with Listening. We create the space for listening. The other thing I noticed this month was all the synchronicity leading up to Sunday. The whole theme of my weekend was about listening. Everything we covered Sunday was exactly what I was naturally working with all month. I downloaded all these lessons in Sept and Oct. I don't look at them again until the first Sunday. So I am as in the dark about what we are going to do that day as you are. I really recommend you listen to the videos live. There is a lot of information in here that I can't really capture for you in the notes today. The links are below to Sunday's live event.

The first note I have is about going into a live exploration of the second paragraph of the channelled lesson above. I notice myself following and answering the questions- all of them-after forgetting the questions. I also noticed that by sitting with my inner child Sunday, I could heal some part of her just by witnessing her. How we all have access to our own inner healing without a lot of pomp or work.

Synchronicities were bountiful this month. Soooo many in the weekend intensive I had before Sunday, and so many throughout the month. Highlighting how our inner and outer worlds are so connected and how we are always working on the same projects - whether we are aware of those or not. I am hearing from my guides now as I write this that - we were all working on these channellings this month. I am curious how the energy of the month affected you?

It is not about how high we go - but how well we listen. The value of meditation - space, time and centering. How incredibly important it is to take that space.  But to also recognize it isn't about how spiritual we are - or how high we go. Its importance is in the access to highest consciousness.  To listen to our inner guidance. We all need help, and this is an easy access way to get it. Listening is the key message. Quietude: the power of quietude.

Alignment and attunement - and the physical tip that you can learn too -by watching this pre-recorded livestream. A direct message from source w/o befuddlement. A way to bypass the brain.

There was a lot of stream of consciousness poetry. This is an example -but seems to be a way I access a lot of these energies and transfer it to you.

When we choose to walk this earth

We choose to walk with wisdom, and magic and faith

We choose each day

We choose each moment

We choose and we stay.

It is really interesting to do this livestream because it is a stream of consciousness- these lessons. I am experiencing these messages live with you as well. In this video you can watch me discover with you vs tell you.

To watch the twitch recording #1 from Sunday click here. For part two click here.