Sunday School Lesson:



(this is the original download I received prior to Sunday's session)



HOW to find your purpose. 

Create space in your life, to get quiet, and listen.  Your messages, guides, and purpose will be held here.  It is within this solitude your dreams will reawaken, your fires lit, your heart alive, and your mind on fire. 

Your awakening is personal. Custom.  Your silence rewarded with golden opportunities. To find your inner purpose is gold.  Your gold, your success will be driven here in good worth. 

Your golden opportunity lies within this landscape. Your mind on fire. Your heart full of passion. For truth. For the lies are outside of you. Outside of your control. 

Within mind control, is illusion, games, porcelain pains. We hold this truth to be self -evident that all men are created equal in partnership with God and all his participants at this hour.   

Quiet not the mind nor the soul. For all the gold.  For all the rights are fair. 

For when we tap into the soul, we clock into what’s right. Their is right and wrong and we all know this. 

What is right for you? 

What claims you?  As the heir of your soul. As the right to your sky.  What nights are yours and yours alone? In this daydream called hell.  It’s heaven on earth and that in between. 

How can I help you today? Find those dreams, those vacancies within you that need filling. How can I inspire you? How can you choose this choice that was already given. If you just get quiet enough and go inside. 

Let us meditate on this. Take 20 minutes today to sit with this. 

What did you find? What unearthed? What is new beneath you? What jives? What will you create from this insight? 

Next steps.

Tonight, imagine you are in a hole. Creating despite, this hole you are in. Because the hole you are in - is perfect.  Perfect that is for internal insight. Grab your dreams for dinner. Chew on them. Imagine they are your new flight.  Your new directions.  Your lit pathway into the light.  Your lantern of hope and endurance and pain.  It’s going to give you a through line to find the right path for you. 

Be ok with the space.  The space between insight, and action.  Their is pause in their.  In understanding.  Layers of growth to make it to the light. Your insight is your right.  Your pathway. 

That space between insight, dream, sleep, and awake is important for your sleep insights. Find quiet, ask the questions.  Wait, and listen.  Trust in your intuition. 

Purpose of flight 


SUNDAY DEC 4TH post livestream notes:

During the live meditation and the channelling I heard:

When we show up for ourselves, really show up. Even when we expected more of a party. We have won. Make yourself a priority.

This message felt true for us all. Showing up for yourself like you are the party worth celebrating. Purpose is your party.

Let go of the past's promises. Start again today.

What matters is that you show up for you.

This message is about letting go of the past's expectations. Showing up for you no matter what you or it looks like is always what matters.

Pre-recorded life. I feel better. But everyone else is disappointed.

I would have loved to pre-record and edit what I was going to do - rather than do it live with no idea what I was going to say or do. However, it's the liveness of the

channeling the fact that none of us knows what is going to happen that makes it work. We all get to be surprised together.

Custom - was a word that showed up as having a double meaning. Spirit noted that our purpose was custom as in a custom tailored purpose. As well as, a custom as in the collective or cultural customs in that we are connected - weaving together personal purposes with collective ones.

Quiet not the mind or the soul was highlighted as well in the session. The interwoven parts of ourselves aren't to be separated out like pits from dates. They each have value as a whole and we need both to be here now. Functioning. One is not better than the other -but together we can create pie.

A lot that is transferred in is pure energy and there are no words. If you would like to check out the recorded session feel free to check it out here.