This month was powerful. I didn't take too many energetic hits this month. I was building and accessing power and had powerful meetings and sessions. I saw my clients power up as well. "Power comes in waves. This concept isn't always on- it has its time, it's needed more than others. It comes in times of need. It isn't a faucet, and we shouldn't expect it Or even desire that power. "This came through in my Sunday School on Power this month. We tend to think of power as finite- someone having it or not- or control over/under. It was clear to me that it's about powering up - when needed. It was powering down when we didn't.
The Power of Group work was prominent this month. I had a few firsts, and one was being led to lead a group of newly awakened guides to do collaborative healings. We shared power in twos and threes, helping heal each other, friends from afar, and opening ourselves to the latest downloads for our management.
I am always learning when to listen to my guides when to listen to myself, and how to balance this Shamanic gift in practical everyday existence. It's a constant exercise for me. I do much better following, listening, and asking for guidance. It also slows things down, and I fear I will get bogged down. So many times -80% of they are correct- I can tell - and 20% of the time, it's faith in the system I must hold. We can only sometimes see immediate results - we don't always know if something is working.
Power is a sacred experience. It needs to be regarded in our culture correctly. Power is best when it flows through. It can get out of whack quickly and unchecked; its need to dominate is uncanny. Like we share leadership roles, sharing power is when it is most potent. We all have our moment to shine, and so do others. It's less stressful, more productive, and effortless.