Sunday School Lessons

Sunday School Lessons

Sunday School Lessons

The first Sunday of every month we will host Sunday School Lessons online program from 10am-noon PNW time. Sunday School Lessons are the product of my guides channeled messages. Each month we will explore one "lesson." Read this month's channelled message here. Join us first Sunday to explore divine living.

If you would like to join in on a Sunday School class please sign up here and then be sure to connect with me before the first lesson. Our guides want to make sure it's an appropriate fit on all ends.

To join the Sunday School Community, for access to all live events, recorded events, have direct access to Cass with questions, and join a like hearted community.

Feel free to share this post with anyone whom you think it may benefit. I appreciate you, and your magic. I am looking forward to meeting you all soon!

*The words matter less than the energy that is behind the lessons. Channeled wisdom is a full dimensional experience. I suggest reading these downloads like poetry or looking at fine art. Take it in on any level that matters. I will personally break it apart in the Sunday live lessons, and online later in the portal.